Core Skills Training Framework

Conflict Resolution

Learning Outcomes Required Frequency Audience ExR Training Alignment
Describe the common causes of conflict and identify the different stages of conflict every 3 years Frontline Staff who have contact with patients N/A
Learn from their own experience of conflict situations to develop strategies to reduce the opportunity for conflict in the future every 3 years Frontline Staff who have contact with patients N/A
Describe two forms of communication every 3 years Frontline Staff who have contact with patients N/A
Indicate the level of emphasis that can be placed on verbal and non-verbal communication during a conflict situation every 3 years Frontline Staff who have contact with patients N/A
Understand the impact that cultural differences may have in relation to communication every 3 years Frontline Staff who have contact with patients N/A
Identify the causes of communication break down and the importance of creating conditions for communication to suceed every 3 years Frontline Staff who have contact with patients N/A
Utilise three communication models that would assist in dealing with different levels of conflict every 3 years Frontline Staff who have contact with patients N/A
Recognise the behavioural pattern of individuals during conflict every 3 years Frontline Staff who have contact with patients N/A
Recognise the warning and danger signals displayed by individuals during a conflict situation including the signs that may indicate the possibility of physical attack every 3 years Frontline Staff who have contact with patients N/A
Identify the procedural and environmental factors affecting conflict situations and recognise their importance in decision-making every 3 years Frontline Staff who have contact with patients N/A
Understand the importance of keeping a safe distance in conflict situations every 3 years Frontline Staff who have contact with patients N/A
Summarise the methods and actions appropriate for particular conflict situations bearing in mind that no two situations are the same every 3 years Frontline Staff who have contact with patients N/A
Explain the use of ‘reasonable force’ as described in law and its limitations and requirements every 3 years Frontline Staff who have contact with patients N/A
Identify the range of support, both short and long-term, available to those affected by a violent incident every 3 years Frontline Staff who have contact with patients N/A
Understand the need to provide support to those directly affected by a violent incident and the wider organisational benefits of this. every 3 years Frontline Staff who have contact with patients N/A

Equality, Diversity and Human Rights

Learning Outcomes Required Frequency Audience ExR Training Alignment
Understand the terms of Equality, Diversity and Human Rights and how they are applied within the context of the health sector every 3 years All Staff N/A
Understand how a proactive inclusive approach to equality, diversity and human rights can be promoted every 3 years All Staff N/A
Understand the purpose and benefits of monitoring equalities and health inequalities every 3 years All Staff N/A
Understand the benefits that an effective approach to equality, diversity and human rights can have on society, organisations and individuals every 3 years All Staff N/A
Understand how legislation, organisational policies and processes can empower individuals to act appropriately and understand people’s rights every 3 years All Staff N/A
Know how to treat everyone with dignity, courtesy and respect and value people as individuals every 3 years All Staff N/A
Know what to do if there are concerns about equality and diversity practices, including how to use any local whistle blowing policy procedures and other related policies such as Bullying at Work and Dignity at Work. every 3 years All Staff N/A

Fire Safety

Learning Outcomes Required Frequency Audience ExR Training Alignment
Understand the characteristics of fire, smoke and toxic fumes every 2 years All Staff N/A
Know the fire hazards in the working environment every 2 years All Staff N/A
Be aware of the significant findings of relevant fire risk assessments every 2 years All Staff N/A
Understand how to practice and promote fire prevention every 2 years All Staff N/A
Be aware of basic fire safety and local fire safety protocols including staff responsibilities during a fire incident every 2 years All Staff N/A
Know the means of raising the fire alarm and the actions to take on hearing the fire alarm every 2 years All Staff N/A
Know instinctively the right action to take if fire breaks out or smoke is detected every 2 years All Staff N/A
Be familiar with the different types of fire extinguishers, state their use and identify the safety precautions associated with their use every 2 years All Staff N/A
Understand the importance of being familiar with evacuation procedures and associated escape routes every 2 years All Staff N/A

Health, Safety and Welfare

Learning Outcomes Required Frequency Audience ExR Training Alignment
Understand the organisation’s commitment to delivering services safely every 3 years All Staff N/A
Understand the importance of acting in ways that are consistent with legislation, policies and procedures for maintaining own and others’ health and safety every 3 years All Staff N/A
Know the organisation’s arrangements for consulting with employees on health and safety matters every 3 years All Staff N/A
Be able to locate the organisation’s health and safety policy and the arrangements for implementing it every 3 years All Staff N/A
Understand the meaning of hazard, risk and risk assessment every 3 years All Staff N/A
Be able to recognise common work place hazards including: electricity; slips and trips, falls; chemicals and substances; stress; physical and verbal abuse; traffic routes; display screen equipment (DSE), workstations and the working environment every 3 years All Staff N/A
Understand how any identified risks might be managed through balanced and appropriate preventative and protective measures every 3 years All Staff N/A
Understand how they could apply and promote safe working practices specific to their job role every 3 years All Staff N/A
Know the actions they should take to ensure patient safety every 3 years All Staff N/A
Understand the importance of reporting health and safety concerns every 3 years All Staff N/A
Know the reporting processes used and how the organisation uses the information gathered to help manage risks every 3 years All Staff N/A
Know how to raise health and safety concerns every 3 years All Staff N/A
Understand individual responsibilities in reporting incidents, ill health and near misses every 3 years All Staff N/A

Infection Prevention and Control

Learning Outcomes Required Frequency Audience ExR Training Alignment
Know how individuals can contribute to infection prevention and control (L1) every 3 years All staff (level 1); Healthcare staff involved in patient care (level 2) N/A
Have knowledge of and demonstrate the standard infection prevention and control precautions relevant to their role which may include: (a) hand hygiene; (b) personal protective equipment (PPE); (c) Management of Blood and Body Fluid Spillage; (d) Management of Occupational Exposure (including sharps); (e) Management of the Environment; (f) Management of Care Equipment (L1) every 3 years All staff (level 1); Healthcare staff involved in patient care (level 2) ExR trainings can be used to help staff develop knowledge of infection prevention procedures
Recognise and act when their personal fitness to work may pose a risk of infection to others (L1) every 3 years All staff (level 1); Healthcare staff involved in patient care (level 2) N/A
Be able to describe a healthcare organisation’s and their own responsibilities in terms of current infection prevention and control legislation (L2) every 1 year All staff (level 1); Healthcare staff involved in patient care (level 2) N/A
Know how to obtain information about infection prevention and control within the organisation (L2) every 1 year All staff (level 1); Healthcare staff involved in patient care (level 2) N/A
Understand what is meant by the term healthcare associated infections (L2) every 1 year All staff (level 1); Healthcare staff involved in patient care (level 2) N/A
Understand the chain of infection and how this informs infection prevention and control practice (L2) every 1 year All staff (level 1); Healthcare staff involved in patient care (level 2) N/A
Demonstrate an understanding of the routes of transmission of micro-organisms (L2) every 1 year All staff (level 1); Healthcare staff involved in patient care (level 2) N/A
Understand individual roles and responsibilities for the three levels of decontamination (L2) every 1 year All staff (level 1); Healthcare staff involved in patient care (level 2) N/A
Use single use items appropriately (L2) every 1 year All staff (level 1); Healthcare staff involved in patient care (level 2) ExR trainings can help cut down on the use of single use items by allowing training to be done virtually
Be able to conduct a risk assessment in respect of ensuring infection prevention and control (L2) every 1 year All staff (level 1); Healthcare staff involved in patient care (level 2) N/A
Explain different alert organisms and conditions that pose an infection risk (L2) every 1 year All staff (level 1); Healthcare staff involved in patient care (level 2) N/A
Describe how to safely manage patients with specific alert organisms (L2) every 1 year All staff (level 1); Healthcare staff involved in patient care (level 2) N/A

Information Governance and Data Security

Learning Outcomes Required Frequency Audience ExR Training Alignment
Understand the principles of Information Governance and the importance of data security in health and care every 1 year All staff N/A
Understand the different types and value of information every 1 year All staff N/A
Understand the principles of data security, including how to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data" every 1 year All staff N/A
Be aware of threats to data security and how to avoid them, including: (a) social engineering; (b) using social media safely; (c) using email safely; (d) malicious software; (e) how to protect information; (f) physical security every 1 year All staff N/A
Be able to identify data breaches and incidents and know what to report every 1 year All staff N/A
Understand fundamentals of data protection and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) every 1 year All staff N/A
Understand the Caldicott Principles and be able to provide a confidential service to patients and service users every 1 year All staff N/A
Understand the responsibilities of healthcare organisations under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 every 1 year All staff N/A
Understand individual responsibilities in responding to a Freedom of Information request every 1 year All staff N/A

Moving and Handling

Learning Outcomes Required Frequency Audience ExR Training Alignment
Identify moving and handling risk factors (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with patient handling responsibilities (Level 2) N/A
Identify employers and employees’ responsibilities under relevant national Health and Safety Legislation (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with patient handling responsibilities (Level 2) N/A
Identify the principles of safer moving and handling (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with patient handling responsibilities (Level 2) N/A
Identify the principles of using an ergonomic approach for moving and handling activities to support musculo-skeletal health (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with patient handling responsibilities (Level 2) N/A
Identify suitable risk control strategies and resources to facilitate good practice following a risk assessment appropriate to the activity and the individual’s role (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with patient handling responsibilities (Level 2) N/A
Identify their own organisation’s risk management processes to inform safe systems of work (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with patient handling responsibilities (Level 2) N/A
Identify the support available to facilitate good practice (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with patient handling responsibilities (Level 2) N/A
Demonstrate application of safer moving and handling principles when using the range of equipment relevant to the individual’s job role and setting (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with patient handling responsibilities (Level 2) N/A
Demonstrate safer handling strategies relevant to them and their role (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with patient handling responsibilities (Level 2) N/A
Demonstrate safe, dignified approaches for moving and handling activities that promote patient independence and functional mobility (L2) every 2 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with patient handling responsibilities (Level 2) N/A
Demonstrate an awareness of normal human movement patterns when moving and handling people (L2) every 2 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with patient handling responsibilities (Level 2) N/A
Demonstrate an understanding of person-centred risk assessment to determine safer patient handling techniques, using the multidisciplinary team where appropriate (L2) every 2 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with patient handling responsibilities (Level 2) N/A
Demonstrate a range of practical skills relevant to the needs of the patients in their care and the individual’s job role (L2) every 2 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with patient handling responsibilities (Level 2) N/A
Demonstrate the safe use of the range of equipment relevant to the needs of the patients in their care, the individual’s job role and the setting (L2) every 2 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with patient handling responsibilities (Level 2) N/A

Preventing Radicalisation

Learning Outcomes Required Frequency Audience ExR Training Alignment
Understand the objectives of the Prevent strategy and the health sector contribution to the Prevent agenda (Basic) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Know own professional responsibilities in relation to the safeguarding of adults, children and young people at risk (Basic) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Understand the vulnerability factors that can make individuals susceptible to radicalisation or a risk to others (Basic) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Know who to contact and where to seek advice if there are concerns about an individual who may be groomed into terrorist activity (Basic) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Be able to recognise potential indicators of risk relating to individuals being radicalised (Basic) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Understand what impact direct (bullying, be-friending or influencing) or indirect (internet, media, etc) factors may have on individuals and how it might change their thoughts and behaviours (Basic) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Be able to raise concerns and take action when they have concerns (Basic) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Understand the importance of sharing information (including the consequences of failing to do so) (Basic) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Know how to support and redirect vulnerable individuals at risk of being groomed into terrorist related activities (Full) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Know how to share concerns, get advice, and make referrals in order to safeguard vulnerable individuals (Full) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Understand Channel multi-agency arrangements to provide support and redirection to individuals at risk of radicalisation (Full) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Understand Prevent in the context of the Prevent Duty and the concept of non-criminal space (Full) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Understand that radicalisation uses normal social processes and the ‘power of influence’ on all (Full) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Recognise influence, and understand the concepts of polarisation and the use of narratives and ideology (Full) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Understand the current threat level and that Prevent can be applied to all forms of terrorism, present or emerging (Full) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Understand the term ‘vulnerable’ in the context of Prevent and what vulnerabilities are exploited by terrorist groups (Full) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Understand there is no single checklist or profile of a terrorist, and that health staff are a key group and must use their professional judgement in assessing behaviours and risks (Full)" every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Understand how to recognise and share concerns, seek support and advice, and make referrals within own organisation and with other agencies where appropriate (Full) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A
Be aware of Building Partnerships, Staying Safe: The health sector contribution to HM Government’s Prevent Strategy: guidance for healthcare workers and their organisations relevant policies, procedures and systems for Prevent (Full) every 3 years All staff that have contact with patients (Basic); Staff who contribute to assessing safeguarding concerns (Full) N/A


Learning Outcomes Required Frequency Audience ExR Training Alignment
Be able to recognise cardiorespiratory arrest (L1) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Know how to summon immediate emergency help in accordance with local protocols (L1) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Be able to start CPR using chest compressions (L1) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Be able to locate and operate an AED (L1) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Understand national guidelines and local resuscitation policies and procedures (L2 - Adult) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Know how to recognise and respond to patients with clinical deterioration or cardiorespiratory arrest, escalating care in accordance with local policy (L2 - Adult) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Be able to initiate an appropriate emergency response, which may include management of choking, and the use of the recovery position, all in accordance with current Resuscitation Council UK guidelines (L2 - Adult) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Be able to provide basic airway management i.e. ensure an open airway (L2 - Adult) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Be able to initiate and maintain effective lung ventilations in accordance with current Resuscitation Council UK guidelines (L2 - Adult) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Know how an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) can be operated safely and appropriately (L2 - Adult) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Understand their individual role and responsibilities in responding to persons in emergency situations (L2 - Adult) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Understand their individual responsibilities in reporting and recording details of an emergency event accurately (L2 - Adult) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Understand the importance of undertaking any resuscitation interventions within the limits of their personal capabilities and context of any previous training received (L2 - Adult) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Know how they should apply the local Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Policy / anticipatory care decision within clinical context (L2 - Adult) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Understand national guidelines and local Resuscitation policies and procedures (L2 - Newborn) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Know how to recognise and respond to a newborn infant, escalating care in accordance with local policy (L2 - Newborn) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Understand the importance of temperature control in the care of the newborn (L2 - Newborn) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Be able to initiate an appropriate emergency response in accordance with current Resuscitation Council UK guidelines (L2 - Newborn) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Be able to provide basic airway management i.e. ensure an open airway (L2 - Newborn) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Be able to initiate and maintain effective respiration in accordance with current Resuscitation Council UK guidelines (L2 - Newborn) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Be able to initiate and maintain effective chest compressions in accordance with current Resuscitation Council UK guidelines (L2 - Newborn) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Understand their individual role and responsibilities in responding to persons in emergency situations (L2 - Newborn) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Understand their individual responsibilities in reporting and recording details of an emergency event accurately (L2 - Newborn) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Understand the importance of undertaking any resuscitation interventions within the limits of their personal capabilities and context of any previous training received (L2 - Newborn) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Understand national guidelines and local Resuscitation policies and procedures (L2 - Paediatric) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Know how to recognise and respond to patients with clinical deterioration or cardiorespiratory arrest, escalating care in accordance with local policy (L2 - Paediatric) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Be able to initiate an appropriate emergency response, which may include management of choking and the use of the recovery position, in accordance with current Resuscitation Council UK guidelines (L2 - Paediatric) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Be able to provide basic airway management i.e. ensure an open airway (L2 - Paediatric) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Be able to initiate and maintain effective lung ventilations in accordance with current Resuscitation Council UK guidelines (L2 - Paediatric) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Be able to initiate and maintain effective chest compressions in accordance with current Resuscitation Council UK guidelines (L2 - Paediatric) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Understand their individual role and responsibilities in responding to persons in emergency situations (L2 - Paediatric) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Understand their individual responsibilities in reporting and recording details of an emergency event accurately (L2 - Paediatric) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Understand the importance of undertaking any resuscitation interventions within the limits of their personal capabilities and context of any previous training received (L2 - Paediatric) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Know how they should apply the local Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Policy / anticipatory care decision within clinical context (L2 - Paediatric) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Be able to recognise the seriously ill adult and initiate appropriate interventions to prevent cardiorespiratory arrest (L3 - Adult) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Understand and be able to apply the ABCDE approach (L3 - Adult) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Know how to manage and co-ordinate roles and responsibilities within the team in responding to emergency situations until the arrival of a resuscitation team or more experienced assistance (L3 - Adult) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Be able to participate as a member of the resuscitation team (L3 - Adult) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Be able to provide initial post resuscitation care until the arrival of the resuscitation team or more experienced assistance (L3 - Adult) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Be able to recognise the seriously ill newborn and initiate appropriate interventions to prevent cardiorespiratory arrest (L3 - Newborn) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Understand the importance of maintaining newborn temperature control (L3 - Newborn) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Know how to manage and co-ordinate roles and responsibilities within the team in responding to emergency situations until the arrival of a resuscitation team or more experienced assistance (L3 - Newborn) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Be able to participate as a member of the resuscitation team (L3 - Newborn) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Be able to provide initial post resuscitation care until the arrival of the resuscitation team or more experiencedassistance (L3 - Newborn) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) N/A
Be able to recognise the seriously ill child and initiate appropriate interventions to prevent cardiorespiratoryarrest (L3 - Paediatric) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Understand and be able to apply the ABCDE approach (L3 - Paediatric) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Know how to manage and co-ordinate roles and responsibilities within the team in responding to emergency situations until the arrival of a resuscitation team or more experienced assistance (L3 - Paediatric) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Be able to participate as a member of the resuscitation team (L3 - Paediatric) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards
Be able to provide initial post resuscitation care until the arrival of the resuscitation team or more experienced assistance (L3 - Paediatric) every 1 year Non-clinical staff (Level 1); Staff with direct clinical care responsibilities (Level 2); Staff with direct clinical care requirements (Level 3) ExR has a variety of trainings around cardiorespiratory arrest that can help staff meet Resuscitation skills standards

Safeguarding Adults

Learning Outcomes Required Frequency Audience ExR Training Alignment
Be able to recognise potential indicators of abuse, harm and neglect (Level 1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Know what action to take if they have concerns, including to whom you should report your concerns and from whom to seek advice (Level 1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Have a basic knowledge of the relevant legislation (Level 1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Understand what constitutes harm, abuse and neglect and be able to identify any signs of harm, abuse or neglect (Level 2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Be able to ensure effective advocacy is provided where required (for example where there are mental capacity or communication issues, in line with the legislation and professional guidance) (Level 2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Be able to identify your professional role, responsibilities, and professional boundaries and those of your colleagues in a multidisciplinary team and multi-agency setting (Level 2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Know how and when to refer to social care in accordance with organisational policies if you have identified an adult safeguarding concern (Level 2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Be able to document safeguarding concerns in a format that informs the relevant staff and agencies appropriately (Level 2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Know how to maintain appropriate records including being able differentiate between fact and opinion (Level 2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Be able to identify the appropriate and relevant information and how to share it with other teams (Level 2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Understand key statutory and non-statutory guidance and legislation including Human Rights Act and mental capacity legislation in country of practice (Level 2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Be aware of the risk factors for radicalisation and know who to contact regarding preventive action and supporting those persons who may be at risk of, or are being drawn into, terrorist related activity (Level 2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Be able to identify possible signs of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or neglect using a person-centred approach (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Be able to identify adults experiencing abuse, harm or neglect who have caring responsibilities, for other adults or children and make appropriate referrals (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Be able to demonstrate a clear understanding, as appropriate to role, of forensic procedures in adult safeguarding and knowing how to relate these to practice in order to meet clinical and legal requirements as required (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Where undertaking forensic examinations as part of their role, be able to demonstrate an ability to undertake forensic procedures and know how to present the findings and evidence to legal requirements (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Be able to undertake, where appropriate, a risk and/or harm assessment (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Know how to communicate effectively with adults at risk in particular those with mental capacity issues, learning disability or communication needs (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Know how to contribute to, and make considered judgements about how to act to safeguard an adult at risk (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Know how to contribute to / formulate and communicate effective care plans for adults who have been or may be subjected to abuse, harm or neglect (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Demonstrate an understanding of the issues surrounding suspicion of adult abuse, harm and neglect and to know how to effectively manage uncertainty and risk (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Know how to appropriately contribute to inter-agency assessments by gathering and sharing information (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Be able to document concerns in a manner that is appropriate for adult safeguarding protection and legal processes (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Know how to undertake documented reviews of your own (and/or team) adult safeguarding, as appropriate to role. This can be undertaken in various ways, such as through audit, case discussion, peer review, and supervision and as a component of refresher training (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Know how to deliver and receive supervision within effective models of supervision and/or peer review, and be able to recognise the potential personal impact of adult safeguarding on professionals (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Know how to apply the lessons learnt from audit and serious case reviews/case management reviews/significant case reviews to improve practice (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Know how to advise others on appropriate information sharing (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Know how to appropriately contribute to serious case reviews/case management reviews/significant case reviews, and domestic homicide review processes (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Know how to obtain support and help in situations where there are safeguarding problems requiring further expertise and experience (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Know how to participate in and chair multidisciplinary meetings as required (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A
Demonstrate the skills required to participate in a safeguarding enquiry (Level 3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Staff with regular contact with patients (Level 2); Healthcare staff who engage with assessing adults (Level 3) N/A

Safeguarding Children

Learning Outcomes Required Frequency Audience ExR Training Alignment
Know potential indicators of child maltreatment in its different forms – physical, emotional and sexual abuse, neglect, grooming and exploitation to support and/or commit acts of terrorism (known as radicalisation) (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Be aware of child trafficking, female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriage, modern slavery, gang and electronic media abuse, sexual exploitation, county lines (young people involved in organised crime who are coerced to traffic drugs or other illegal items around the country) (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Understand the risks associated with the internet and online social networking (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Be aware of the vulnerability of; looked after children, children with disabilities, unaccompanied children, care leavers and young carers, missing children (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Understand the impact a parent/carers physical and mental health can have on the wellbeing of a child or young person, including the impact of domestic abuse and violence and substance misuse (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Understand the importance of children’s rights in the safeguarding/child protection context (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Know what action to take if they have concerns, including to whom concerns should be reported and from whom to seek advice (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Be aware of relevant legislation (Children Acts 1989, 2004, and Children and Social Work Act 2017 and the Sexual Offences Act 2003) (L1) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Understand what constitutes child maltreatment and be able to identify signs of child abuse or neglect (L2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Be able to act as an effective advocate for the child or young person (L2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Understand the potential impact of a parent’s/carer’s physical and mental health on the wellbeing of a child or young person in order to be able to identify a child or young person at risk (L2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Be able to identify one’s own professional role, responsibilities, and professional boundaries, and understand those of colleagues in a multidisciplinary team and in multi-agency setting (L2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Know how and when to refer to social care if a safeguarding/child protection concern is identified (L2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Be able to document safeguarding/child protection concerns in a format that informs the relevant staff and agencies appropriately (L2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Know how to maintain appropriate records including being able to differentiate between fact and opinion (L2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Be able to identify the appropriate and relevant information and how to share it with other teams (L2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Be aware of the risk of FGM in certain communities, be willing to ask about FGM in the course of taking a routine history where appropriate to role, know who to contact if a child makes a disclosure of impending or completed mutilation, be aware of the signs and symptoms and be able to refer appropriately for further care and support, including the FGM mandatory reporting duties to the police: in accordance with current legislation (L2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Be aware of the risk factors for grooming and exploitation to support and/or commit acts of terrorism (known as radicalisation) and know who to contact regarding preventive action and supporting those vulnerable young persons who may be at risk of, or are being drawn into, terrorist related activity (L2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Be able to identify and refer a child suspected of being a victim of trafficking and/or sexual exploitation (L2) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Be able to identify, drawing on professional and clinical expertise, possible signs of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or neglect including domestic abuse, sexual exploitation, grooming and exploitation to support and/or commit acts of terrorism (known as radicalisation), FGM, modern slavery, gang and electronic media abuse using child and family-focused approach (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Understand what constitutes child maltreatment including the effects of carer/parental behaviour on children and young people (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Have an awareness or knowledge of, dependent on role, forensic procedures in child maltreatment, with specific requirements and depth of knowledge relating to role (e.g. where role involves/includes forensics teams/working alongside forensics teams) (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Know how to undertake, where appropriate, a risk and harm assessment (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Know how to communicate effectively with children and young people, and to know how to ensure that they have the opportunity to participate in decisions affecting them as appropriate to their age and ability (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Know how to contribute to, and make considered judgements about how to act to safeguard/protect a child or young person, including escalation as part of this process (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Know how to contribute to/formulate and communicate effective management plans for children and young people who have been maltreated within a multidisciplinary approach and as related to role (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Understand the issues surrounding misdiagnosis in safeguarding/child protection (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Know how to ensure the processes and legal requirements for looked after children, including after-care, are appropriately undertaken, where relevant to role (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Know how to appropriately contribute to inter-agency assessments by gathering and sharing information, documenting concerns appropriately for safeguarding/child protection and legal purposes, seeking professional guidance in report writing where required (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Know how to assess training requirements and contribute to departmental updates where relevant to role. This can be undertaken in various ways, such as through audit, case discussion, peer review, and supervision and as a component of refresher training (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Know how to deliver and receive supervision within effective models of supervision and/or peer review as appropriate to role, and be able to recognise the potential personal impact of safeguarding/child protection work on professionals (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Be able to identify risk to the unborn child in the antenatal period as appropriate to role (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Know how to apply the lessons learnt from audit and serious case reviews/case management reviews/significant case reviews to improve practice (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Know, as per role, how to advise others on appropriate information sharing (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Know how to (where relevant to role) appropriately contribute to serious case reviews /domestic homicide reviews which include children/case management reviews/significant case reviews, and child death review processes, and seek appropriate advice and guidance for this role (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Know how to obtain support and help in situations where there are problems requiring further expertise and experience (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A
Know how to participate in and chair peer review and multidisciplinary meetings as required (L3) every 3 years All staff (Level 1); Clinical and non-clinical staff who have any contact with children (Level 2); Clinical staff who contribute to assessing children N/A